At El Valle Nursery School, Alicante we are aware of the importance of early learning for children from 0 to 3 years old. That’s why we apply our educational method Kianda, a pioneering approach based on the integral development of the child by means of:
- Intelligence Bits.
- Musical performances.
- Psychomotor circuits.
- Baby swimming.
- Violin.
- Fine psychomotricity laboratory.
- Multisensory education.
- Language stimulation.
- Emotional intelligence.

This educational project focuses on Early Childhood Stimulation, a basic requirement for the optimal development of the baby’s mind, since it enhances the baby’s brain functions in the cognitive, linguistic, psychomotor and social areas. Creative Thinking is another of the basic pillars of our educational method, since we consider that the first years of a child’s life should be focused on the child’s ability to imagine, create, play, share and reflect, based on the world around them. In addition, our Nursery School uses its own system of reading and writing, which is based on a combined analytical and global learning method that guarantees 99% access to reading and writing by the end of the Nursery School stage. All the projects that we start in this stage, are continued through the next cycle of Infant Education (3-5 years).